First look at Bill Gardner Parkway widening project

Photo of Bill Gardner Parkway near SR 155 and T-SPLOST future project road sign (Clayton Carte photo).
(Clayton Carte photo)

Henry County staff recently updated the board of commissioners on various transportation SPLOST projects throughout the county. As part of the update, an initial concept for the Bill Gardner Parkway widening is now available.

The T-SPLOST widening project extends between state route 155 and I-75. The project will include widening the road to support four travel lanes as well as a pedestrian path on either side of the road. Because this concept is preliminary in nature, further revisions are possible.

As of July, the design engineer was undergoing survey work for the corridor. Once design plans are final, then right of way acquisition will follow. Construction could commence in mid to late 2024.

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Bill Gardner Parkway widening

Preliminary concept page 1 for the Bill Gardner Parkway widening (Henry County photo)
The widening proposes to relocate Bill Gardner Parkway on new alignment south of an existing cemetery near Mallard’s Landing subdivision.
Preliminary concept page 2 for the Bill Gardner Parkway widening project (Henry County photo)
Bill Gardner Parkway will include a center median throughout the length of the project.
Preliminary concept page 3 for the Bill Gardner Parkway widening project (Henry County photo)
The project includes a proposed multilane roundabout at Bill Gardner Parkway and Lester Mill Road.
Preliminary concept page 4 for the Bill Gardner Parkway widening project (Henry County photo)
Construction will include a new bridge for Bill Gardner Parkway over the reservoir.
Preliminary concept page 5 for the Bill Gardner Parkway widening project (Henry County photo)
Finally, the widening project ties into the existing interchange at I-75.

All concept photos credit to Henry County.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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