State Route 42 Traffic Signals update in Locust Grove

Map of upcoming traffic signal projects on state route 42 in Locust Grove (OpenStreetMap map).
(OpenStreetMap map)

Georgia DOT and the city of Locust Grove are planning three new traffic signals along state route 42. Here are the latest updates on each signal:

State Route 42 at Marketplace Blvd

Locust Grove awarded a construction bid for this intersection last December. Lengthy timeframes to acquire concrete poles has otherwise delayed what should be a short construction period. As of this week, the concrete poles for the new signal are on schedule for delivery in mid-September. The contractor will start installation work shortly thereafter.

SR 42 at Harris Drive

Georgia DOT programmed funds for the project earlier this year. The state allocated $195,000 for the new signal. Because the intersection has existing turn lanes, this helps to minimize construction costs and the build time. However, the presently lengthly delivery times for concrete poles will push the signal installation into 2023.

SR 42 at Bethlehem Road

Georgia DOT is in-progress on engineering plans for a new traffic signal. Engineering plans should be complete this fall. The new signal will also include adding a northbound left-hand turn lane. Building a new turn lane will likely require additional right of way lengthening the project timeframe. The new signal is about one year away at the earliest, depending on the timeframe for right of way acquisition and construction.

Featured image shows a map of highway 42 north of Locust Grove with traffic signal road signs at intersections. Map credit OpenStreetMap.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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