A new industrial development, entitled NS Logistics South, is being planned off Bethlehem Road in Locust Grove. The project is located north of Bethlehem Road adjacent to I-75.
NS Logistics South
NS Logistics South proposes four buildings totaling 1.865 million square feet of industrial space. Individual warehouses range from 375,000 square feet to 550,000 square feet in size.
The project developer is Majestic Realty Co. of Atlanta, GA. Norfolk Southern railroad owns the property. The land is entirely within Locust Grove city limits following a 2021 annexation.
The site has a total of 306 acres. The buildings would occupy a combined 173 acres. In addition, the railroad is preserving the remaining 134 acres. No details are available about the railroad’s future use for the land.
According to project documents, warehouse 2 will be the first building constructed. The building measures 550,000 square feet. Buildings 3 and 4 will follow to the north. Finally, building 1 closest to Bethlehem Road would be the last to build. This is presumably so to minimize impacts with the future I-75 exit.
The new exit, presently planned on a new bridge south of the existing Bethlehem Road, looks to start construction in 2025. The state estimates the exit will open by 2028.
Majestic Realty Co. forecasts Building 2 to be available for leasing by 2023. The company estimates full build-out of the site by year 2026.
The location of buildings 1 and 2 has a present M-1 zoning (light manufacturing). The M-1 zoning was approved about fifteen years ago. As such, the property does not require a rezoning request. A rezoning request for phase II (buildings 3 & 4) is not being considered at this time.
Development of Regional Impact Review
The state is presently conducting a development of regional impact (DRI) review for the project. The DRI review allows state agencies to comment on large developments, specifically as it relates to traffic impacts and development patterns. The proposed project is consistent with established industrial land use patterns in the area. Furthermore, the project’s traffic impact study found state route 42 at Bethlehem Road needs a traffic light to improve operations. Both Georgia DOT and Locust Grove are concurrently working to implement one.
Construction can begin on phase I following the review’s conclusion. Update: the DRI review completed in February 2022.
Featured image shows concept rendering for NS Logistics South development. Majestic Realty Co photo.
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