The Henry County Zoning Advisory Board next meets on Thursday, January 20. During the meeting, the board will consider two new rezoning requests for new apartments. The requests are being proposed by Hecht Walker, PC and Alliance Residential Company. The properties are located off Jonesboro Road and State Route 155, respectively.
Update: the board of commissioners will consider both requests on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 6:30 pm.
The zoning advisory board meets at the county admin building in McDonough. The meeting starts at 6:30 pm. The board will consider several variance requests on the agenda before reaching the rezoning requests. Interested residents are encouraged to attend, even if they arrive later than 6:30.
The zoning advisory board provides a recommendation only on rezoning requests. The board of commissioners will consider the requests at a later date to make a final decision. Both requests are located in commission district II.

Jonesboro Road near Chambers Road
Hecht Walker, PC of Stockbridge, GA is seeking a rezoning adjacent to Jonesboro Road. The 21.6-acre property is south of Jonesboro Road and east of Chambers Road. The applicant is proposing a mixed-use development. The project contains retail space, 24 townhomes and 300 apartments. The developer for the project is presently unknown.
The future land use map supports mixed-use development at the location. The comprehensive land use plan supports a density up to 16 net units per acre within mixed-use projects. The applicant proposes a net density of 15.8 units per acre.
Henry County planning staff are recommending approval of the rezoning request. Staff are recommending seven conditions. Excerpts include the following:
- An amenity package, which shall include a swimming pool and club house, shall be provided to residents within the development.
- All building exteriors must consist of a mixture of at least two (2) of the following on all sides: brick, stone, and stucco, with cement fiberboard permitted as accents no more than twenty percent (20%) of building facade.
Nearby, the board approved another rezoning request in June 2021. The project — also along Jonesboro Road — will construct 280 apartments and 80 townhomes.
Transportation Projects & Schools
Henry County allocated funds in transportation SPLOST to widen Jonesboro Road within the vicinity of these developments. Specifically, T-SPLOST funds will widen the roadway between Mill Road and North Mt. Carmel Road. The project scope will include four travel lanes as well as sidewalk improvements.
Students residing in the proposed development would attend Dutchtown Elementary, Dutchtown Middle and Dutchtown High Schools. At this time, Henry County Schools has began construction on a classroom addition at Dutchtown High School. The education SPLOST VI program also includes funds for more classrooms at Dutchtown Middle.

State Route 155 at Greenwood Industrial Pkwy
Alliance Residential Company of Atlanta, GA has applied for rezoning off state route 155 at Greenwood Industrial Parkway. The property consists of 47.4 acres. It presently has two zoning districts: C-2 (general commercial) and M-1 (light manufacturing). The applicant is seeking the RM (multifamily residential) zoning district for a new apartment complex. The proposed development consists of 330 units.
Like the property off Jonesboro Road, the future land use map supports up to 16 net units per acre for the location. In contrast, the state route 155 development has a net density of 7.92 net units per acre. In addition, the applicant is proposing 28.2 acres of open space. This represents 59.2% of the property.
Planning staff are recommending approval with nine conditions. Excerpts include the following:
- The owner / developer can receive land permits only when the under-construction traffic signal at State Route 155 and Greenwood Industrial Parkway is operational.
- All building exteriors shall consist of a mixture of at least two (2) of the following on all sides: brick, stone, stucco, with cement fiberboard permitted as accents.
- There shall be a minimum 30-foot (30’) buffer along the perimeter of the property, except for access points.
- The owner / developer shall maintain a 40’ undisturbed buffer along the north property line adjacent commercial businesses, followed by an 8’ (eight foot) fence between the parking lot landscape strip and the buffer. The property owner(s) must maintain this fence.
- The development shall be a gated community. The property owner(s) must maintain and monitor the gate.
Transportation Projects & Schools
Georgia DOT has long-range plans to widen state route 155 between I-75 and Bill Gardner Parkway. Presently, construction funding is in fiscal year 2030. No local funds are allocated for the project at this time.
Students in the proposed development would attend Bethlehem Elementary, Luella Middle and Luella High Schools. The school district’s classroom capacity study in 2020 did not recommend these schools for classroom additions. The study analyzed both existing and projected enrollments at the time.
Meeting agendas and packets are available to view on the county website. It is recommended to view the meeting packets on a tablet or computer. Mobile devices may experience difficulties when loading the document.
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