The Locust Grove city council held their first meeting of the year on January 3. During the meeting, the council denied the rezoning of 36.4 acres for industrial development. HFG Development LLC of Stockbridge, GA submitted the rezoning request located off state route 42.
An update of this article is now available.
HFG Development LLC Project
The developer proposed two 75,000 square foot buildings for a total of 150,000 square feet. The subject property is located immediately north of the Home Depot distribution center. The applicant sought rezoning to M-2 (heavy manufacturing). Staff instead recommended M-1 (light manufacturing) zoning. The difference between M-1 and M-2 zoning are the allowable uses. M-1 zoning was also consistent with neighboring properties.
The council voted 4-2 to deny the rezoning. Council member Carlos Greer made a motion to deny the rezoning request. Councilman Vincent Williams then seconded the motion. Council members Greer, Williams, Rudy Breedlove and Keith Boone voted yes to deny the request.
Later in the month, Mayor Price vetoed the council’s denial. This allowed the rezoning request to proceed forward as approved.
Featured image shows concept site plan for HFG Development LLC project. Photo credit Metro Engineering & Surveying Co.
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