McDonough Approved Annexation Requests on Turner Church Road

Map depicting annexation requests along Turner Church Road into city of McDonough (Henry County qPublic photo)
Map of Turner Church Road properties annexed into city limits in November 2021. (Henry County qPublic photo)

Property owners along Turner Church Road have applied for annexation into the city of McDonough. Specifically, the annexation requests are between state routes 20 and 155.

The city council approved the annexation requests during their November 15 meeting. The council approved the applications unanimously. Meetings occur at city hall off Keys Ferry Street.

Turner Church Road annexation requests

The council considered concurrently the annexation of five properties. There was no change in zoning. All properties had residential agricultural zoning in unincorporated Henry County. They retain this zoning after annexation.

The city of McDonough owns two of the properties. They purchased property off highway 155 and Turner Church Road in October 2018. The city plans to use the property for a future water reservoir. In addition, the council has discussed building a city-owned solar panel farm. The city owns 103 acres.

Next, a combined 167 acres on the north side of Turner Church Road was part of the request. The city previously received an application for annexation in 2019. The request pertained to a proposed new subdivision. The Arizona-based developer later withdrew their plans without the council voting on the request.

Finally, fifty-five acres south of Turner Church Road comprise the final tract. The property is privately-owned in addition to the tracts across the street.

There are no immediate plans for development on either property according to the applicant’s representative. Property owners must wait at least one year following annexation to request a future rezoning.

Featured image shows map of Turner Church Road annexation requests. Photo credit Henry County qPublic. This article was updated following the November 15 council meeting.

About Clayton 1700 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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