The Locust Grove city council unanimously approved plans on Monday night, April 5, to name their new park after fallen police officer Chase Maddox. The new park is located on Tanger Blvd next to Department of Driver Services.
Police Officer Chase Maddox was killed in the line of duty on February 9, 2018. Earlier this year, the city unveiled a roadside memorial marker in his honor. The marker — also on Tanger Blvd — is located where Chase proposed to his wife, Alex.
Chase Maddox Park
The nine-acre park is nearly finished. When complete, the park will offer the following:
- parking area,
- dog park,
- playground,
- walking track, and
- sidewalks and other improvements.
About three acres of open play area are located inside the walking track.
Project Costs and Future Plans
Locust Grove is funding the project through park impact fees. Developers pay impact fees to the city when building new homes.
The city council awarded construction in May 2020 to Magnum Contracting, LLC of Jasper, GA. Construction costs equal $823,472.73.
A future phase II will construct additional paths and a small skate park within the open play area. The city plans to construct phase II when impact fee funding is available.
Featured image shows an aerial photo of the park under construction. Photo dated September 2020. Photo credit Clayton Carte.
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