Commissioners to consider use of fund balance for district projects

Photo of road maintenance (Georgia DOT photo)
(Georgia DOT photo)

The Henry County Board of Commissioners next meets on Tuesday, February 16, at 6:30 pm. Meetings are presently being held in a virtual format.

Update: the board of commissioners meeting on February 16 has been cancelled.

The board will consider approving the use of fund balance for district projects. Specifically, the board will consider using $10 million dollars to allot $2.5 million each in districts I–IV. The agenda item excludes district V because the board approved last month $3 million dollars for sidewalks on Fairview Road. The $3 million represents a cost estimate only. The exact cost will not be known until construction is bid out.

District III Commissioner Gary Barham will not be in attendance because he is currently hospitalized with COVID-19. Please keep the Barham family in your thoughts and prayers, and pray for a speedy recovery by the commissioner.

County Fund Balance

If the board approves the use of fund balance for district projects, then its expected each district commissioner will select the projects to receive funding. For example, possible projects may include intersection improvements, road resurfacing or sidewalks. The draft resolution only states the funds are for use on capital projects.

As of June 30, 2019, Henry County had a fund balance of $80.4 million. The FY 2020 report is not yet available. The county reserves 30% of its annual budget, or $51.6 million, in the case of emergency. The difference can provide funds for county expenses. There is sufficient fund balance available to cover the $10 million dollars according to the draft resolution.

Commissioner Wilson suggested each district receive $2 million dollars for projects in January, but other board members did not pursue it. At the time, he and Commissioner Barham voted against the use of fund balance for Fairview Road sidewalks.

Other Agenda Items

In addition to the use of fund balance, the board will also consider the following agenda items:

  • Site selection for the Henry County Aquatic Center,
  • Contract with 4SYTA Industries of Snellville, GA for litter pick-up,
  • Presentation regarding Senate Bill 22, and consideration of resolution(s) for or against the bill;
  • Purchase fifty (50) Ford Explorer pursuit vehicles for the police department, and
  • Public hearings for a comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request on Moseley Road.

Public Comment

The board of commissioners offers residents the opportunity to address the board for five minutes during each regular meeting. Because the meeting will be virtual, those wishing to speak must e-mail the county clerk before Monday, February 15, at 12 noon to sign-up. Likewise, those wishing to speak during either planning & zoning public hearing must also e-mail county staff in advance. Instructions how to sign-up are available on the county website.

Credit for the featured image to Georgia DOT.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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