Community asked to line procession for Officer Smith memorial marker

Photo of police cars assembled for the funeral procession of HCPD Officer Michael Smith, dated January 2019 (Henry Herald photo / Robin Kemp)

The Henry County Police Department will unveil a roadside memorial marker for fallen officer Michael Smith on Tuesday, December 29, at 10 am. Officer Smith passed away from injuries sustained in the line of duty two years ago.

The marker will be located at 378 Jonesboro Road in McDonough, near the intersection of Jonesboro Road and Dailey Mill Road. The memorial service and marker unveiling is limited to family, county personnel and law enforcement. Members of the community are encouraged to line the procession route instead.

Smith’s family, accompanied by law enforcement, will leave the Sheriff’s Department located on Henry Parkway in McDonough, turn right onto Industrial Blvd, turn right at State Route 20, then left on McDonough Parkway to Jonesboro Rd, and left at Jonesboro Road to the memorial marker site.

The procession will depart from the Sheriff’s Department between approximately 9:30 – 9:40 am. Community members should be in place along the route before then. Please be sure and find a safe place to park outside of traffic if you plan on participating.

“We appreciate the community’s outreach and welcome them to support the Smith family and honor the memory of Officer Michael Smith by lining the processional route,” said Henry County Police Chief Mark Amerman. “The holidays are a difficult time for many, particularly when you have lost a loved one, so we want to take this opportunity to honor his memory.”

Credit for the featured image to Henry Herald and Robin Kemp.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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