Design-build for new airport FBO / terminal building approved

Photo of an airplane on the runway at Atlanta Speedway Airport (Henry County photo)

Henry County commissioners approved a contract on Tuesday, September 16, for design-build services at the Atlanta Speedway Airport in Hampton. The project will construct a new FBO / terminal building and provide terminal area improvements.

The contract was awarded to J. R. Bowman Construction Co., Inc. of McDonough, GA in the amount of $2,211,549.17. Commissioners approved the award as part of the meeting’s consent agenda.

Photo of an airplane on the runway at Atlanta Speedway Airport (Henry County photo)
(Henry County photo)

The new building is funded through SPLOST IV, approved by voters in November 2013. The project account has $821,956 in remaining funds as of April 17, 2020, with an additional $2.2 million to be allocated from SPLOST IV additional collections for the facility.

According to purchasing documents available online from Henry County, the new building will be up to 4,500 square feet and will include the following:

  • Vestibules for the airside and landside entrance areas with automatic sliding doors
  • Airport manager’s office
  • Operation’s office (airside)
  • Work / storage area
  • Lobby with customer waiting area and reception desk
  • Break room
  • Meeting / conference room
  • Pilot’s lounge (airside)
  • Restrooms
  • Covered drop-off area at the front entrance

The selected contractor will complete design plans for the new terminal building, and following the approval of county staff, construct the facility. The project has an estimated timeline (design and build) of 450 calendar days.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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