On Tuesday, August 18, county commissioners approved the hiring of IMS Infrastructure Management Solutions to evaluate and score county-maintained roads. The consultant will create what’s known as a pavement management program (PMP) for use by county staff in prioritizing roadway maintenance and resurfacing.
The project cost is determined at a rate of $290.00 per mile of roadway surface evaluated, $0.05 per square foot of other surfaces such as parking areas, $4,500.00 for the purchase cost of software, $8,925.00 for setup and data integration, and $4,195.00 for one-time county staff training. The total project budget is estimated at approximately $500,000, for a project duration of six months, and funding is available in the DOT budget.

Pavement management systems are utilized to assess the condition of roadways and identify necessary maintenance work. The system creates a digital database of the county’s roadways and ranks them from best to worst. This ranking can then facilitate better prioritization of maintenance work with available funding.
As of February 2020, Henry County DOT is responsible for maintaining 1,244 miles of paved roads and 97 miles of dirt roads. The PMP will inventory these roadways.
The average cost to resurface one mile of a paved two-lane roadway is typically $250,000–$300,000, depending on the price of asphalt. Henry County spent $2.4 million on resurfacing this year.
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