Locust Grove will be restriping Bill Gardner Parkway in the near future. The new striping will be applied after a sufficient break in the heavy rains has allowed the road surface to dry out and temperatures are warm enough to apply striping.
The new striping will extend from Bill Gardner Parkway at SR 42 through the interstate exit to Bandy Parkway near Dairy Queen. The city has already restriped a portion of Tanger Blvd and Frances Ward Drive.
Finally, the city has plans to restripe Cleveland Street. The four roads will exhaust the city’s available budget for the striping work.
City working with Georgia DOT to improve I-75 exit 212
Locust Grove is collaborating with Georgia DOT to advance short-term improvements to I-75 exit 212 / Bill Gardner Parkway. The general concept will remove the sidewalk along the south side of Bill Gardner Parkway and use that space to improve how the turn lanes are configured underneath the interstate.
Because the project involves modifying an interstate exit, collaboration with GDOT and the federal government is required. The city estimates the project will start construction in early 2021 to avoid holiday impacts to Tanger Outlets.
The city has postponed its plans to install a center median along Bill Gardner Parkway until additional funding is available. The short-term improvements at exit 212 will provide a better benefit to motorists with what funding the city has available.