Georgia DOT has approved the location and design for an upcoming roundabout on State Route 155 at Panola Road following approval of the project’s concept report in August.
The new roundabout includes dual left-hand turning lanes from Panola Road eastbound to SR 155 northbound. The design also supports four travel lanes of movement along highway 155.
Right of way acquisition is scheduled to begin in November 2019 and the project let for construction in November 2020. Total project costs are estimated at $3.9 million and funded through federal safety dollars.
A temporary traffic light will be removed as part of the project’s construction. The signal was installed as a temporary countermeasure within existing right of way until the full-scale roundabout could be designed and implemented.
Crash Data and Operations
Between September 2011 and July 2016, there were 62 crashes reported at the intersection resulting in 24 injury crashes and three fatal crashes. Out of the 62 crashes, 42 (68%) were angle crashes, three were head-on, six were side-swipes, and seven were rear-ends. Installing a multi-lane roundabout at the intersection results in a 63% reduction in property damage only (PDO) crashes and a 63% reduction in fatal and injury crashes.
Operations at the intersection will be improved. The multi-lane roundabout is expected to operate with a LOS B or better and have a V/C ratio of 0.70 during the design year (2042) compared to LOS F and a V/C ratio of 2.82 for the No-Build alternative. Additionally, installing a multi-lane roundabout will likely decrease emissions, noise, fuel use, and average delay.
The previous two paragraphs were reprinted from the Georgia DOT project concept report. The full report is available on the state website.