The Henry County Board of Commissioners rezoned two acres last week from RA (residential agricultural) to C-2 (general commercial) allowing for future commercial development at the southwest corner of Jonesboro Road and Mt Carmel Road. The two acres will be added to seven acres that were already zoned C-2.
The intersection is a popular topic for new construction right now after the state’s new Xpress park and ride lot broke ground. That project, located north of Jonesboro Road, includes several commercial outparcel’s for development.
The southwest corner’s conceptual site plan shows a mixture of fast-food restaurants with drive-thru access, commercial multi-tenant buildings, and other commercial / retail uses permitted within the C-2 zoning district. The applicant states the plan is conceptual only and subject to change based on final tenants.
The proposed development presents an opportunity to build a walkable area with pedestrian paths connecting the subject property and property located to the south on Mt Carmel Road. In February 2019, the BOC rezoned 26.5 acres from RA to RM (multifamily housing) for the purpose of 230 apartment units. The county should encourage the commercial developer to collaborate with the owner / developer of the apartments to create a shared four-way intersection along Mt Carmel Road, install crosswalks at the intersection, and locate commercial buildings in close proximity to the residential development. Walkability between uses may be further improved by locating parking to the rear or side of buildings along the shared Mt Carmel Road frontage and evaluating the shared intersection for a possible roundabout.
Henry County approved the rezoning with one condition:
- The development shall meet the intent of the Henry County highway corridor overlay.
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