Update: the request has been tabled by the applicant. It has been rescheduled for the July 11, 2019 zoning advisory board meeting.
A new rezoning request looks to build two warehouses totaling 464,360 square feet along US Highway 19 / 41 in Hampton. The applicant, a local law firm in Stockbridge, is requesting a change in zoning from C-1 (neighborhood commercial) to MU (mixed use) for the forty acre property located west of Highway 19 / 41 and east of Old Highway 3 at the Spalding County line.
The Henry County future land use map designates the subject property for commercial development consistent with its current zoning. The applicant has requested a comprehensive plan amendment to change the future land use map concurrent to the rezoning request. Both items will be presented to the zoning advisory board on Thursday, July 11, at 6:30 pm. Meetings are held at the Henry County Administration Building located on Henry Parkway in McDonough.
The request for mixed use zoning to allow industrial development is very unusual and not supported by Henry County’s unified land development code. Table 2.03.03 of the ULDC excludes “warehouse and storage services” from the permitted uses within the MU zoning district.
Furthermore, Henry County’s highway corridor overlay district prohibits “warehousing and storage distribution not currently zoned for these uses (M-1 or M-2)” (ULDC section 4.05.06 B). The subject property is included within the overlay district and must comply with all of its requirements. Based on this prohibition, the applicant’s proposal is not supported by the county’s development codes under any zoning district and should not be allowed.
Planning staff have recommended denial of the applicant’s request. Additional information about the request is available in the staff reports available on the county website: Comprehensive Plan amendment | Rezoning request
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