Previewing the week of March 18

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Several meetings will take place during the upcoming week offering residents an opportunity to attend and stay informed about local government. Four meetings will be held: Locust Grove, McDonough, the Board of Commissioners, and the SPLOST V committee.

Locust Grove City Council

The Locust Grove city council meets on Monday, March 18, at 6 pm. Meetings are held at the city’s public safety building on highway 42.

Agenda items include four public hearings:

  • Ordinance to amend the City’s Future Land Use Map designations from low-density residential to industrial for properties located at 61 and 71 Jackson Street
  • Ordinance to rezone property located at 61 and 71 Jackson Street from RA (residential agricultural) to M-1 (light manufacturing) for distribution facilities (this request is part of the proposed 75 South Logistics Center)
  • Ordinance to rezone property located along South Bethany Road near the intersection with Mose Brown Road from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2 (single-family residence); previous hearing November 19, 2018. (view additional info)
  • Ordinance to amend the C-3 (heavy commercial) ordinance to include self-storage facilities among the list of permitted and conditional uses (view additional info)

The city council will also approve the findings of the ethics board hearing on February 25 and receive monthly reports from department heads. View the agenda.

McDonough City Council

The McDonough city council meets on Monday, March 18, at 6 pm. Meetings are held at city hall on Keys Ferry Street.

Agenda items include three public hearings:

  • Case Number: 180734 Council District: 1, Rufus Stewart       Applicant(s): Smithton Homes, LLC. (Hampton Street Townhomes)       Address/Location: 235 Hampton Street       Petition Request: RTD (Residential Townhome District) w/ variances       Existing Zoning: R-85 (Single Family Residential)       Location: City Gateway, Downtown District – Hampton Street Corridor       Tax Parcel ID: M02.5-01005000 Land Lot(s): 133 of the 7th District       Tract Acreage: 8.92 +/- total acres (view additional info)
  • Case Number: 181009 Council District: 3, Craig Elrod        Address/Location: 222 Decatur Road       Petition Request: R-50 (Single Family Residential) w/ new conditions Existing Zoning: R-50 (Single Family Residential) with conditions per ORD 07-04-02004(ZM) Location: North of intersection of Hwy 155 N (Decatur Road) and Lawrenceville Street Tax Parcel ID: Portion of M18-07001000 Land Lot(s): 123 of the 7th District Tract Acreage: 12.26 +/- total acres
  • Case Number: 190203 Council District: 1, Rufus Stewart        Address/Location: Bridges Road Corridor       Petition Request: RM-75 (Multi Family Residential) w/ new conditions       Existing Zoning: RM-75 (Multi Family Residential) with conditions per ORDs 97-10-20A &  97-10-20R Location: Bridges Road Corridor, segment between Hampton Street (City Gateway, Downtown District) and McDonough Parkway Corridors       Tax Parcel ID: 092-01019000       Land Lot(s): 132, 133, 156 and 157 of the 7th District       Tract Acreage: 23.303 +/- total acres (view additional info)

The city council will also consider approval for a construction contract for the city’s new police precinct on Simpson Street at a cost of $648,190.00 paid from impact fees, amend city ordinance related to garage sales, and adopt a resolution establishing the McDonough Beautiful Program. View the agenda.

Henry County BOC

The Henry County Board of Commissioners will meet on Tuesday, March 19, at 6:30 pm. Meetings are held at the Henry County Administration Building in McDonough.

Agenda items include six public hearings:

  • (COMP-AM-18-04) Fleur Grady of Lovejoy, GA requests an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for property at the northwest intersection of Carl Parker Road and Old Highway 3 N, in Land Lot 166 of the 6th District. The property consists of 1.023 +/- acres, and the request is to amend the Future Land Use Map designation from Medium Density Residential to Commercial. District 2
  • (RZ-18-23) Fleur Grady of Lovejoy, GA requests a rezoning from RMH (Mobile or Manufactured Homes) to C-3 (Highway Commercial) for property at the northwest intersection of Carl Parker Road and Old Highway 3 N, in Land Lot 166 of the 6th District. The property consists of 1.023 +/- acres, and the request is for a craft manufacturing and retail development. District 2
  • (COMP-AM-18-05) Gene Morris of McDonough, GA  requests a comprehensive plan amendment for property located west of 3248 Highway 81 West in Land Lot 185 of the 6th District. The property consists of 7.06 +/- acres and the request is to amend the Future Land Use Map designation from High Density Residential to Commercial. District 2
  • (RZ-18-24) Gene Morris of McDonough, GA requests a rezoning from RM (Multifamily Residential) to C-3 (Highway Commercial) for property located west of 3248 Highway 81 West in Land Lot 185 of the 6th District. The property consists of 7.06 +/- acres, and the request is for future development. District 2
  • (RZ-18-21) The Reservoir Group of Watkinsville, GA requests a rezoning from RA (Residential Agricultural) to RS (Residential Suburban) for property located on the north side of Millers Mill Road in Land Lots 35 and 62 of the 11th District. The property consists of 186.9 +/- acres, and the request is for a single-family residential and condominium development. District 4 (view additional info)
  • (RZ-18-19) H. H. Evans Family Trust of Winterville, GA requests a rezoning from M-2 (Heavy Manufacturing) to C-2 (General Commercial) for property located at 549 Highway 19/41 in Land Lots 196, 197 and 220 of the 6th District. The property consists of 1.023 +/- acres, and the request is for a vehicle rental business. District 2

The board of commissioners will also hear a presentation about the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) by Chris Tomlinson, ATL Interim Executive Director; consider approving new non-revenue streetlights at SR 20 & Elliot Road, SR 20 & Turner Church Road, Jonesboro Road & Babb’s Mill Road, and Babb’s Mill Road & Nash Farm entrance; and consider a resolution approving shooting simulated artillery and simulated gunfire at a special event at Nash Farm Park on April 11-14, 2019. View the agenda.

SPLOST V Committee

The SPLOST V committee will meet on Thursday, March 21, at 6:30 pm. This is the FINAL meeting of the SPLOST V committee and will be held at the Henry County Administration Building in McDonough.

The committee will discuss all project recommendations throughout Henry County at the meeting. Following the conclusion of the committee’s work, the recommendations will be presented to the board of commissioners in May. Over the summer, board members will make changes and modify the project list as needed before calling for the voter referendum in November.

Previous blog posts covering the SPLOST V committee are available to view here.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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