The Locust Grove city council voted 6-0 to rezone 264 acres along Price Drive from RA (residential agricultural) to M-1 (light manufacturing). Developers plan to build five warehouses on the property, totaling 3.3 million square feet of new industrial space.
The ClayCo project receives its name from the developer, ClayCo Realty Group based in St. Louis, Missouri. The company is also planning over 8.5 million square feet of industrial space situated on 560 acres along I-85 in Coweta County.
This week’s rezoning represents phase II of the Cubes at Locust Grove, another name for the project. Phase I was approved in 2016 and has since built one warehouse on 79 acres. That facility is now available for leasing.
The project is in close proximity to the future interstate exit on Bethlehem Road. The interchange project is tentatively forecast to start construction in 2025 and open in 2028.
The project is expected to generate 7,332 daily vehicle trips on local roadways once built out. The accepted standard on trip generation for industrial projects is that 25% of the traffic volume will be tractor trailers, and 75% will be car trips.
Over eighty percent of all vehicle volume (5,969 daily trips) is expected to travel on Bill Gardner Parkway between Price Drive and I-75. The additional traffic volume will increase delays until either Bill Gardner Parkway is widened to provide additional capacity or the Bethlehem Road interchange opens, whichever may occur first.
SPLOST II in 2003-2008 funded preliminary engineering to widen Bill Gardner Parkway to four lanes between I-75 and SR 155. A Georgia DOT public information open house displaying the project concept was held in March 2006. The project has not advanced further because traffic counts have remained low and the project not needed before this point. Funding to purchase right of way is being considered for inclusion within the proposed SPLOST V program.
Recommendations from the project’s traffic studies include the following:
- realign Price Drive to intersect Bill Gardner Parkway at Strong Rock Parkway, and install a traffic signal. (complete)
- construct a traffic signal (if warranted) or single-lane roundabout at SR 42 and Bethlehem Road.
- realign Price Drive approximately 1,800′ to the west of its existing intersection with Bethlehem Road, to accommodate the future interstate exit.
- construct the realigned Price Drive to consist of three lanes, to include a center turn lane, and build the roadway to industrial standards.
Copies of the project traffic studies are available from the Atlanta Regional Commission: Phase I (2016) | Phase II (2018)
Moving Henry Forward is a local blog that informs residents about ongoing transportation projects and pending rezoning requests. Consider following us on social media to keep up with our content: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Correction: the article previously stated that SPLOST I (1997-2002) had prepared the project concept. The article has now been updated to reflect that the project concept was prepared in SPLOST II (2003-2008).
I hope my home can hold some value until I can sell and get out of here.