Henry County is accepting construction bids this month to install sidewalks on Fairview Road. Design work for the project began in January 2021.
The sidewalks extend from Village Park to the DeKalb County line. This is a distance of 1.65 miles.
Fairview Road Sidewalks Construction Bids
Henry County is accepting construction bids for the Fairview Road sidewalks project until Wednesday, August 28. The board should consider approving a construction contract this fall. The selected contractor will have 300 days to complete the project once work begins.
Henry County approved funding for the project in January 2021. The board of commissioners at the time approved by a 4–2 vote to allocate $3 million dollars from the county’s fund balance for construction. The board also approved hiring Kimley-Horn, an Atlanta-based engineering firm, to design the project.
The final construction cost is unknown until bids close later this month.
Fairview Road Widening Projects
In addition to this project, the county has two upcoming widening projects along Fairview Road. The first widening project extends between Home Depot and Hearn Road. The second project is from Hearn Road to state route 155. Both projects were scheduled to start right of way acquisition this month.
SPLOST V and T-SPLOST are paying for the widening projects. Together, they budgeted $23 million for the work. The upcoming SPLOST VI program has $19 million in additional funding, if voters approve the program this November.
Featured image shows sidewalks installation in McDonough. Georgia DOT photo.
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