Flournoy and Kahaian Win 2024 Primaries for the Georgia House

Photo of the Georgia State Capitol at sunset (Clayton Carte photo).
(Clayton Carte photo)

Henry County voters considered during the May 2024 primary election who should represent them at the State Capitol. There were two contested house primaries and one contested senate primary on the ballot.

2024 Georgia House Primaries

First, house district 74 was a new district following redistricting last fall. HD 74 represents, generally, Hampton, Lovejoy and south Jonesboro. Two Democratic candidates qualified for the open seat. Robert Flournoy, Jr., won the primary with 51.4% of the vote. He received 2,797 votes compared to Maggy Martinez with 2,649 votes. Because there are no Republican candidates in this district, Flournoy will represent this area in the state house.

The 2023 redistricting created a second open seat within Henry County. House district 117 covers McDonough & Luella. Mary Ann Santos (D) was the sole candidate to qualify in this election. She will represent HD 117 as a state representative for 2025–26.

Next, the redistricting redrew house district 81 to represent east Henry County. This includes portions of east Locust Grove, Ola, Kelleytown and Union Grove. Noelle Kahaian defeated Rep. Lauren Daniel in the Republican primary. Kahaian received 52.8% (2,665 votes) compared to Lauren Daniel 47.2% (2,384 votes). Kahaian will face Democratic candidate Mishael White in November. White was unopposed in the Democratic Primary.

Representatives Demetrius Douglas (D) (district 78) and Regina Lewis-Ward (D) (115) have no opposition this year. Both will retain their seats for 2025–26. Finally, Rep. El-Mahdi Holly (D) (116) will face Republican challenger Reign Stevens in November. Both were unopposed during the primary.

Rep. Clint Crowe, Karen Mathiak and Angela Moore had portions of Henry County, but no longer represent the county following the latest redistricting.

2024 Georgia Senate Primaries

After the 2023 redistricting, portions of four state senate districts now represent Henry County. One senate district had a contested primary. Two others have a contested general election in November.

Senator Rick Williams defeated Leland Jake Olinger in the Republican primary for district 25. Williams had 87.6% (11,580 votes) compared to Olinger 12.4% (1,634 votes). Williams will retain his state senate seat representing five Middle Georgia counties, as well as portions of Bibb and Henry Counties.

This November, State Senator Emanuel Jones (D) (district 10) will face Furquan Stafford (R). Meanwhile, State Senator Brian Strickland (R) (district 42) will face Kacy D. Morgan (D). All were unopposed in their respective primaries.

Finally, State Senator Gail Davenport (D) (district 17) was unopposed. The senator may be new to representing Henry County, but has nearly two decades of experience. She was first elected to the state senate in 2006.

All election results are unofficial until certified. Results are available in their entirety on the state website.

Featured image shows the Georgia state capitol. Clayton Carte photo.

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About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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