This is the Last Week to Apply for Homestead Exemption 2024

Photo of one-hundred dollar bills (Wordpress photo)
(stock photo)

Homeowners, are you receiving your homestead exemption? This is the last week to apply for the Henry County homestead exemption, and receive its tax savings, in 2024. The deadline is Monday, April 1, 2024.

After homeowners make their initial application, the exemption remains in place year-to-year so long as they continue to reside at the same address. Senior residents however must apply again upon turning 62 so their senior exemptions can begin. Residents in Hampton must also apply at their city office to save on municipal taxes.

Henry County Homestead Exemption 2024

A homestead exemption provides tax savings for owner-occupied residential property. Within Henry County, the base homestead exemption provides a reduction of $15 thousand for county assessed value and $4,000 for school board assessed value. This saves a homeowner $80 on school taxes, and about $125–$190 on county taxes. The county savings vary based on whether the homeowner is in city limits or unincorporated Henry County. This savings increases in subsequent years, if the property value increases, because Henry County has a frozen homestead exemption.

Homeowners must apply by April 1 for the tax savings to apply this calendar year. The exemption is based on who resided in the home as of January 1. Individuals who moved into their homes since January 1 are not eligible for the tax savings until next year.

The application for homestead exemption, as well as instructions how to apply, are available here (PDF link – 2 pages). An online application is also available. Anyone with questions may contact the Henry County Tax Assessor’s office at 770-288-7999.

Senior Exemption

Secondly, homeowners aged 62 or older can take advantage of Henry County’s senior exemption. This provides additional tax savings by reducing their school board taxes. The amount of senior tax savings increases at ages 62, 65, 68 and 70. The savings are based on the senior’s age as of January 1; only one person on the deed must be of the requisite age and reside there.

Seniors must apply for the senior exemption upon reaching at least 62. It will automatically increase at each subsequent age. This is a second application in addition to their regular homestead exemption. The application uses the same form (PDF link – 2 pages). The online application is available as well.

Hampton Exemption

Beginning in 2024, the city of Hampton now has a homestead exemption. Voters approved it in November 2023. This saves homeowners on their municipal property taxes. It also includes a frozen exemption similar to Henry County.

To receive the city homestead exemption, a homeowner must apply directly with the city. Information about the city’s homestead is available on the city website.

Other cities within Henry County do not have homestead exemptions at this time. The city of Locust Grove approved an exemption in 2022; however, they do not charge a municipal tax. Local legislation to create a homestead exemption in Stockbridge is presently being considered at the state Capitol. Stockbridge voters would then consider this measure at the November election.

Featured image shows $100 bills. stock photo.

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About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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