Primary 2024 Set, But Henry Must First Vote in November

Photo shows Secretary of State Raffensperger at a podium with two posters on either side announcing the Presidential Primary 2024 date in Georgia as March 12, 2024 (Rahul Bali / WABE News photo).
(Rahul Bali / WABE News photo)

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger held a press conference this week to announce the Presidential Primary date for next year in Georgia. But, before Henry County voters select a presidential nominee, they must first vote this November 2023.

The Presidential Primary will fall on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. Idaho, Mississippi, and Washington state are also on this day. The traditional ”Super Tuesday” will be one week prior with thirteen states.

Henry Votes November 2023

This November, Henry County voters will see primarily city council elections, but there’s a chance for more. Each city — Hampton, Locust Grove, McDonough and Stockbridge — will have council positions on the ballot. In addition, the Locust Grove mayor is up for election.

Municipal qualifying occurs in August. Until such time, it is not known who will be running in each city. Members listed below with expiring terms may seek re-election if they so choose.

Council members Henry Byrd, Marty Meeks and Mary Ann Mitcham have terms expiring in Hampton. Locust Grove members Rudy Breedlove, Carlos Greer and Rod Shearouse will likewise have terms expire. Both cities have at-large positions. This means the entire city votes on council members.

Locust Grove voters will also elect their mayor, presently Robert Price. This is the only mayor on the 2023 ballot. The other city mayors will next be in 2025.

Council Districts

Stockbridge and McDonough are different. They have council districts with members elected by a portion of the city. Council districts are new this year in Stockbridge following the 2022 annexation.

Stockbridge council members Elton Alexander (district 5), Yolanda Barber (district 4) and John Blount (3) have expiring terms. Their districts will have an election this November. View a council map on the city website.

In McDonough, their council has a mix of at-large seats and districts. The entire city can vote on the at-large seat. This year, the at-large seat presently held by Benjamin Pruett is on the ballot. District 3, held by Scott Reeves, and district 4, by Kam Varner, will also be up for a vote.

Municipal qualifying for all positions occurs in August.


The above positions are all specific to a city. There is a chance; however, voters countywide may have a ballot question.

Voters last approved the county’s SPLOST program in November 2019. At the time, Henry County estimated the program would collect $204 million dollars. MHF News research has found sales tax collections are on pace to reach this mark in December. Because of this, the county commissioners must decide when to hold the next SPLOST referendum. Possible options include this November, or a date next year, like the presidential primary next March.

The SPLOST program pays for capital projects, such as new parks, fire and police stations, county buildings, new road projects, intersection improvements and road resurfacing.

Featured image shows Secretary Raffensperger at a press conference in May 2023. Rahul Bali / WABE News photo.

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About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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