Developers propose two apartment complexes in Locust Grove

Map showing the location of two proposed apartment developments in Locust Grove dated July 2022 (Clayton Carte graphic).
Developers are proposing two apartment complexes near I-75 exit 212 in Locust Grove. (Clayton Carte graphic)

Developers representing two pieces of property have submitted proposals for two new apartment complexes within the city of Locust Grove. The city does not presently have any market-rate apartments.

The city council will hold public hearings to receive feedback on both projects during the upcoming July 18 meeting. The developers will also pitch their project plans to the council during this time. Council meetings take place at the city police building starting at 6 pm.

An update on this project is now available.

Locust Grove Apartments

Locust Grove recently adopted a new apartments ordinance in advance of expected developer interest. The city council adopted the new development standards in June — raising the build standards before any new apartments construct in Locust Grove. The new apartments ordinance establishes updated standards based on project density. For example, projects proposing between 12–16 units per acre must provide a rooftop gathering place. It also caps the max density at sixteen units per acre, similar to unincorporated Henry County.

Shortly after approving the new ordinance, city staff received applications from two developers. The two properties are located as follows: thirty acres at the southeast corner of Tanger Blvd and Tanger Outlets / KFC intersection, and fifty acres off Price Drive north of the existing commercial properties ie Dairy Queen and Horsetown.

Concept elevation showing two-story apartment building with grey and stone finishes (RangeWater Real Estate photo).
(RangeWater Real Estate photo)

RangeWater Real Estate

The project across from Tanger Outlets is proposing 300 units. The applicant, RangeWater Real Estate of Atlanta, GA, is requesting a rezoning from C-2 (general commercial) to RM-1 (multifamily residential). RangeWater is proposing a density of twelve units per acre. Proposed units are in predominantly two-story buildings with some attached-garage units available. A photo of the concept elevation is shown above.

Planning staff are recommending approval of the request. As part of the draft zoning conditions, the applicant will dedicate right of way along their frontage and construct a portion of the Tanger Drive extension. The Tanger Drive extension is an envisioned roadway between Tanger Outlets and Frances Ward Drive. The road would run behind Ingles Grocery Market.

The council will consider voting whether to approve or deny the project during their August 1 meeting. Locust Grove holds the public hearing during a workshop meeting before taking action at a regular meeting two weeks later.

Tellus Partners

The second request comes from Tellus Partners of Chamblee, GA. This is not a rezoning request, but rather a preliminary plan review for a planned development. The plan review is a precursor to the applicant seeking rezoning for the proposed project. The land, located behind Dairy Queen and Horsetown, consists of fifty acres bordering I-75.

Concept site plan showing proposed apartments, townhomes and commercial space off Price Drive in Locust Grove (Tellus Partners photo).
(Tellus Partners photo)

The applicant is proposing three uses for the property. They include the following:

  • 332 apartment units in the center of the property (shaded in blue),
  • 56 townhomes on the northern property boundary (shaded in red), and
  • general commercial space on the southern boundary (shaded in gray).

Planning staff have noted the attention to detail by the applicant on their preliminary plan. At this time, they are recommending the preliminary plan move forward to a rezoning request without changes.

Because this project must later go through a rezoning request, more details will follow at a later date before the city council considers final approval or denial of the project.

Featured image shows a street map of Locust Grove with two dropped pins showing the location of the proposed developments. Photo credit OpenStreetMap and Clayton Carte.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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