Henry County adopted its transit master plan earlier this year. Now, the county is looking for an app developer to update the transit management software and create a passenger app.
Henry County has offered dial-a-ride transit services for twenty-four years. The county presently has a fleet of 27 vehicles they use for transit services. Rides must be booked at least one day in advance and are most commonly used by seniors and those with disabilities.
Micro Transit App
The new micro transit software will not only administratively manage the bus fleet, but also provide a passenger app for trip booking. Specifically, the new technology package must do the following:
- Collect data necessary for reporting to the National Transit Database
- Passenger-facing app with associated web-based platform
- Software for trip detail processing and route generation
- On-board technology to direct vehicle operator activity
- Data visualization, reports, and data access
- Operational planning guidance
- Support services
Henry County is accepting proposals through Monday, June 13. Afterwards, staff will review the proposals received and recommend a company for board approval. Staff will also negotiate a contract price with the vendor.
Passenger App
The new passenger app will provide several features for transit riders. They include as follows:
- Trip planning features
- Advance booking, at least one day in advance
- Trip booking / updates
- Connection to real-time fixed-route bus data (future connection)
- Real-time vehicle info
- Trip payment options
What is micro transit?
Micro transit is similar to the dial-a-ride service, but seeks to provide immediate trips with no advance scheduling required. While the new app will only support advance scheduled rides at first, it will have the capability to support micro transit services if / when they launch.
Several metro Atlanta transit providers presently offer at least some form of micro transit. They include Cobb County and MARTA. Both systems operate within pre-defined zones. Within these areas, riders may request a van shuttle for a local trip. The MARTA option specifically is part of a six-month pilot program with Georgia Tech that ties back into their larger rail and bus network.
The transit master plan recommended the county conduct a feasibility study to further delineate how micro transit could operate within Henry County. The feasibility study has not yet been announced at this time.
Featured image shows a county transit bus with a phone app overlay. Photo credit Henry County (bus photo) / Clayton Carte (phone graphic).
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