The Hampton city council considered the rezoning of 546 +/- acres during its meeting on April 13. The project — entitled Speedway Commerce Center — is located south of Atlanta Motor Speedway. Road access will be from Lower Woolsey Road and state route 20.
The council unanimously approved the rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to MU (mixed use) for the development. The applicant and land owner, THLJ Investments, LLP, proposes the following uses:
- 5.29 million square feet of industrial space — similar in size to the total square footage of distribution centers off Westridge Parkway in McDonough.
- 75,000 square feet of commercial space — similar in scope to a large retailer / grocery store with auxiliary shops.
- 300 apartment units — consistent with one apartment complex.

Full build-out of the project is forecast for the year 2026. When complete, the project will have an estimated total value of $400 million.
Zoning Conditions
The council approved the rezoning with forty-seven (47) conditions. Some of the conditions include the following:
Traffic Improvements
- Install a traffic signal, if and when warranted, at the intersection of Lower Woolsey Road and state route 20 westbound / driveway A. Construct turn lanes at the intersection.
- Install a traffic signal, if and when warranted, at the intersection of Lower Woolsey Road and state route 20 eastbound / driveway B. Construct turn lanes at the intersection.
Site Design
- The developer will install decorative traffic signal mast arms at signalized intersections. Decorative crosswalks shall be provided at all driveways, median openings and intersections.
- The owner / developer shall provide public transit stops throughout the development.
- The master development plan shall provide a 12’ wide multi-use path. The path will provide connectivity between internal uses and the city’s future trail system. Bicycle parkings shall be provided at buildings throughout the development.
- The owner / developer shall provide a 30’ landscape buffer along Lower Woolsey Road.
- The city and applicant will agree to a location for the apartments. The proposed location at the rear of the development discourages walkability between residents and shops / retail. The new location should be closer to Lower Woolsey Road. This will improve connectivity between the apartments and commercial uses.
- The maximum number of apartments shall be 300 units with a max density of eight units per acre.
- They will provide amenities, to include a swimming pool, and gated access for residents.
Commercial Area
- Buildings may include ground-floor retail / office space with upper-level office or residential uses.
- Vehicle access shall be limited to the internal street network. There will be no direct access from Lower Woolsey Road. Entryway drives shall have a center median with landscaping.
Industrial Area
- Site design shall consider the view corridor along public right of way. It should screen loading docks from view when possible. The applicant shall use screening techniques, such as landscaping, earthen berms, or fencing.
Speedway and Surrounding Area
The property is part of a larger 1,934 +/- acre area. The land owners annexed into Hampton in October 2019. They referenced future development plans during the December council meeting. Possible uses include the following:
- housing on the Spalding County line,
- retail off US 19 / 41, and
- mixed-use near Atlanta Motor Speedway.
Nearby, the county rezoned 683 acres in late 2018. The property — located north of Lower Woolsey Road along Fortson Road — has plans for seven buildings with 6.1 million square feet of industrial space. No construction activity has occurred to date. Editor’s note: the property annexed into Hampton in 2022.
The two projects together can build up to 11.39 million square feet of industrial space.
Featured image shows Speedway Commerce Center site area, Lower Woolsey Henry 780 development site area and Atlanta Motor Speedway. Photo credit Kimley-Horn.
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