The Atlanta Regional Commission has released its staff recommendations for new projects to receive federal transportation funds in FY 2021. Resurfacing Jonesboro Road from I-75 to the Henry / Clayton County line has been recommended for funds.
The project is estimated to cost $2.8 million and will receive $2.24 million in federal dollars. The remaining twenty percent will be covered by Henry County as part of a requisite local match.
Resurfacing of the roadway is also expected in Fayette and Clayton Counties as part of the project recommendations. The Atlanta Regional Commission Board will consider approval of the recommendations in September.
About the TIP Project Solicitation
The ARC has broken the 2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) project solicitation into two award phases based on uncertainty in future federal transportation funding levels. The uncertainty is caused by 1) the unknown long-term economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and 2) the upcoming renewal of federal infrastructure legislation required of Congress by September.
The initial recommendations pertain to federal fiscal year 2021 only. ARC will revisit the remaining applications in late 2020 / early 2021 for consideration of funds in FY 2022–2025.
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