Questions over sewer service resulted in commissioners denying a comprehensive plan amendment for a proposed grocery store in Kelleytown, but several board members indicated they would support the rezoning if sewer access is resolved. The proposed store is located at the southeast corner of state route 155 and Kelleytown Road.
The rezoning request, to rezone twenty-two acres from RA (residential agricultural) to MU (mixed use), proposes to build a 48,000 square feet grocery store, auxiliary shops, and commercial outparcels. Commissioners tabled the rezoning request and it can be rescheduled for a future meeting.
The proposed sewer line extension to service the property, estimated at approximately 8,000’ in length, would be constructed through neighbors’ properties. Efforts by the land owner to obtain easements to construct the sewer line have been unsuccessful, with the affected individuals speaking in opposition to the project during the public hearing.
Several commissioners voiced the existing lack of sewer service as their reason for opposition. Commissioner Clemmons commented “I think the owner of the property has not done his proper due diligence†to obtain the necessary easements before bringing a rezoning request to the board.
Commissioner Wilson added “if the owner can work it out with the property owners to get sewer, then they can bring it back.†Chair Wood also stated concerns over the sewer service.
A motion to deny the comprehensive plan amendment was made by Commissioner Wilson and seconded by Chair Wood. It passed 3-1 (Wood, Wilson, and Clemmons in favor; Thomas opposed; Holmes abstained; Barham absent). The board tabled the rezoning request 5-0.
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