Commissioners award construction for Panola Mountain Greenway Trail phase I

Map of Panola Mountain Greenway Trail Phase I (ARC photo)

The Henry County Board of Commissioners awarded a construction bid for phase I of the Panola Mountain Greenway Trail during last week’s meeting. The 1.6 mile trail will start at the visitor center at Panola Mountain State Park, cross over state route 155 via a dedicated pedestrian bridge, and end in the vicinity of Austin Road Middle School. The new trail will be 12’ wide and 5” thick made of concrete.

The low bid was awarded to Lewallen Construction of Marietta, GA in the amount of $2,724,673.91. Completion time for the project is one year after the notice to proceed is issued.

The low bid breaks down to include the following:

  • $1,545,508.54 for roadway items, including $1,017,708,64 for site grading and $409,798.80 for concrete sidewalk.
  • $57,713.92 for bridge no. 1 over Mitchell Branch.
  • $506,414.61 for bridge no. 2 over unnamed tributary.
  • $302,031.19 for bridge no. 3 over SR 155.

Funding is comprised of $1,135,600 in federal Transportation Enhancement funds and $1,044,139 in federal Transportation Alternative Projects funds. Federal funding requires a twenty percent local match, equaling $544,935 from Henry County.

A second phase is planned to construct an additional 0.9 miles of trail from Austin Road Middle School to a public access trailhead at the Fairview Library. Federal Transportation Alternatives funding, in the amount of $1,465,000, is budgeted in FY 2021 for construction.

About Clayton 1739 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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