The Henry County Board of Commissioners, the city of Locust Grove, and the city of McDonough will hold their respective meetings on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. The cities traditionally meet on Monday, but have shifted to Tuesday because of the MLK Holiday. The BOC meeting starts at 6:30 pm at the Henry County Administration Building, whereas the cities meet at 6:00 pm.
A total of six public hearings will be held at the various meetings: four at the commissioners meeting and two in Locust Grove. McDonough does not have any public hearing items on their agenda.
The zoning advisory board will meet on Thursday, January 24, at 6:30 pm to conduct six public hearings. The SPLOST V committee will meet on Thursday, January 24, at 6:30 pm at Luella Middle School to discuss recommendations for commission district II. Additional information is provided below.
Henry County Commissioners
The BOC will hold four public hearings for various rezoning requests throughout the county.

North Ola Henry 163, LLC has requested a rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2 on sewer (single-family residence) for 115 acres located along North Ola Road. The applicant is requesting to build 134 residential lots.
Staff recommended approval for the rezoning, based on the future land use map supporting the request. The zoning advisory board recommended denial.

The Reservoir Group has requested a rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2 on sewer (single-family residence) for 86 acres on Crumbley Road. The applicant is requesting to build 101 residential lots.
Staff and the ZAB have recommended approval for the rezoning. The future land use map designates the property for low density residential development supporting up to two units per acre.
The Pacific Group has requested a rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to RS (residential suburban) for 168 acres on Flippen Road. The applicant is proposing a townhome and single-family development. The total number of residential units is 390.
Staff and the ZAB have recommended approval for the request. The future land use map designates the property for medium density residential development supporting up to six units per acre.
Update January 20: The rezoning request by RaceTrac Petroleum to build a new service station at Jonesboro Road and Willow Lane has been withdrawn by the applicant. The request will no longer be considered by Henry County.

A major agenda item during the commissioners meeting will be a proposed development agreement to build a conference center at Jodeco Road. Residents that attend the meeting for one of the proposed rezoning requests are encouraged to stay the duration of the meeting and hear this agenda item. Though not a public hearing, the project will have a major effect on the upcoming SPLOST V referendum in November.
More information is available in our previous blog post.
The meeting agenda is available on the county website.
Locust Grove City Council
The Locust Grove council meets at the city public safety building located along highway 42. Two public hearings are scheduled to consider revisions to the city’s C-2 (general commercial) and C-3 (heavy commercial) zoning districts. Recent meetings have discussed allowing tattoo parlors within the zoning districts on a conditional use basis.
The council will consider an application for annexation of 9.97 acres located at 340 Colvin Drive. This is not a public hearing item, but some readers may find it noteworthy. If the application is accepted, city staff will notify the county about the proposed annexation before the council decides at a later date to accept or decline the annexation.
The meeting agenda is available on the city website.
McDonough City Council
McDonough meets at city hall located on Keys Ferry Street. The council has no public hearings scheduled for its meeting. A noteworthy agenda item will be a review of the city’s financial audit for the year ending June 30, 2018.
The meeting agenda is available on the city website.
Henry County Zoning Advisory Board
The Henry County ZAB meets on Thursday, January 24, at 6:30 pm. Meetings are held at the Henry County Administration Building. Six public hearings will be held.
A variance has been requested for property located at 1295-1311 highway 20 west in McDonough, better described as the Fairbridge Inn & Suites and Subway. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into three tracts, and requests a variance to reduce the required front setback for an existing building on the site.
Staff have recommended approval of the variance to accommodate the existing structure only. Variances do not appear before the BOC if the zoning advisory board approves the request.
The staff report is available on the county website.

The Reservoir Group has requested a rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to RS (residential suburban) for 187 acres located on Millers Mill Road. The applicant is proposing 60 condominiums and 325 single-family residences.
Staff have recommended approval for the request. The rezoning request will be scheduled at a later date before the board of commissioners where a final decision will be reached.

There are four public hearings (two comprehensive plan amendments and two rezoning requests) regarding commercial proposals north of Hampton. Neither request is supported by the future land use map and staff have recommended denial on all four hearings.
The first request is to rezone one acre at the northwest corner of Carl Parker Road and old highway 3 from RMH (mobile homes) to C-3 (highway commercial). The applicant is requesting to build a craft manufacturing and retail store.
Staff reports are available at the links below:
The second request is located along the new section of highway 81 at the intersection with old highway 3. The applicant is requesting to rezone seven acres from RM (multifamily residential) to C-3 (highway commercial) for future commercial development.
Staff reports are available at the links below:
Both requests will appear before the board of commissioners at a later date. The meeting agenda is available on the county website.
SPLOST V Committee
The Henry County SPLOST V committee will meet on Thursday, January 24, at 6:30 pm at Luella Middle School. The meeting will discuss project recommendations for commission district II.

District II includes Hampton, Luella, South Point / Avalon, Mt. Carmel / Dutchtown, and the Pates Creek area. Major roadways within the district include Jonesboro Road, Jodeco Road, state route 20, state route 81, state route 155, and US highway 19 / 41.
Improvements at Nash Farm park and a new recreation center are under consideration within the district projects. The McDonough Hockey Association has requested funding for Avalon Park improvements.
Possible transportation projects include the Flippen Road extension connecting to the Dutchtown schools and Jonesboro Road, intersection improvements like Jonesboro Road at Mitchell Road, and resurfacing Hampton-Locust Grove Road.
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